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Bastard Page 4

  “What did you hear?” he asks turning his head in my direction while we’re both bent over the hood of the car. I see his grip tighten around the wrench in his hand. His knuckles have turned white. Maybe pissing him off while he’s holding that bludgeoning tool in his hand wasn’t my smartest move.

  “One of the guys I was having lunch with today … Brad.”

  “Brad Cartwright?”

  “I don’t know his last name,” I state.

  “Tall. Blonde. Footy Captain. Cocky bastard.”

  “Yeah, that’s him,” I chuckle.

  “Can’t stand that kid. I went to school with his old man. He was exactly the same,” he says. “What did he say about my girl?”

  “Look. I don’t want to cause any trouble for Indi.” Because I don’t, I just don’t want her going near Brad.

  “I want to know what he said. If someone is saying shit about my little girl …”

  “It’s not like that. It’s just …”

  “Just what, Carter?” he snaps. I can tell his patience is wearing thin.

  “He was bragging to his mates that his parents are going away over the weekend. He plans on inviting her over.”

  “He fucking what?” he screams, standing to full height and bumping his head on the raised hood in the process. I feel like a prick for saying something. Snitching’s not my thing, but the idea of her going over there and being taken advantage of by that douche makes my blood boil for some reason.

  His face turns bright red as he stands there rubbing his injured head. “I’m sorry. I just thought you’d like to know.” I feel like such a hypocrite. I invite girls over with the sole purpose of fucking them all the time.

  My hope is now that he knows he’ll put a stop to it. At least I didn’t mention the side bet he made with his mate. “Don’t be sorry,” he says gripping my shoulder. “I appreciate you looking out for my girl. She’s alone a lot of the time with these crazy hours I work. I worry about her. Knowing she has you living next door now makes me feel better.”

  Now he’s making me feel like a fraud. Not only have I thought about doing exactly what Brad wants to, I treat his daughter like a piece of shit. Why am I suddenly consumed with guilt?


  Later that night, I sit in my room in complete darkness watching Indiana sitting at her window seat. I don’t usually do this kind of thing, so I feel like a stalker. She’s on her iPad again. I presume she’s messaging with someone because occasionally she throws her head back and laughs before typing a reply. I find myself smiling as I watch her. What the hell is she doing to me?

  A few times she gazes towards my bedroom window. Logically I know she can’t see me. It’s pitch black. It did make me wonder. When my phone dings, alerting me I have a text message, my heart starts to race thinking it’s her. Of course it couldn’t be. She doesn’t have my number.

  It’s my hook-up, Jen. I only know her name because she includes it in her message. She’s on her way over. I told her to come down the side of the house. I’m gonna sneak her in my bedroom window. Luckily my bedroom is on the ground floor.

  Why Fuckwit chose to live in a house so large is beyond me. It’s way too big for one person. Well technically there’s three of us now, but before we moved in it was just him. You only have to look at his fancy-arse clothes and the ridiculously expensive European car he drives to know he’s a showy prick.

  It’s not like I can bring her in through the front door. Fuckwit has already informed me, while living here I’m forbidden to have girls in my room. Screw him. His demands only make me want to defy him.

  Ten minutes later I hear a tap at my window. “Carter. You in there?” Flicking my bedroom light on, I make my way towards the window. “Carter,” she says again. Thankfully, my mum and Fuckwit are sleeping in an upstairs room at the front of the house.

  “Keep it down,” I tell her when I open the window.

  “Sorry,” she says smiling up at me. I’d forgotten how pretty she is. Why does the image of a certain beautiful, annoying kid pop into my head as I help pull her through the window?

  My head snaps up looking over towards Indiana’s bedroom. I’m surprised to see her staring straight back at me, a frown on her face. Being the bastard I am, I flip her off before closing the blinds. I don’t need her penetrating gaze putting me off my game.

  I’m going to fuck blondie with everything I have, hoping to get Indiana out of my mind once and for all.



  I don’t know why seeing that skank, Jennifer, sneaking into Carter’s bedroom upsets me, but it does. A lot. I’m already pissed off with him for ratting me out to my father. Seeing this just sends me over the edge. Tears burn my eyes, but I manage to hold them in. Fuck him. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of making me cry.

  Feeling deflated, I say goodbye to Meg and I log off Facebook before climbing into bed. The fact that I’m actually upset only makes me angrier. Why does he get under my skin so much? The way I’m feeling right now, I know sleep isn’t going to come easy.

  When my dad finally came in for dinner earlier tonight, he forbid me to have anything to do with Brad Cartwright. It shocked me. Not only have I not told him anything about Brad, he’s never forbid me to do anything.

  I know Carter must’ve said something to him while they were working on that stupid car of his. He had to have. Why else would my dad say what he did? Why is Carter so hell bent on making my life so miserable? I was happy until he moved in next door. Arsehole.

  Lying in bed, I try not to think about what they’re getting up to over there. I know it’s not homework that’s for sure. Not where Jennifer Darcy is concerned. Dirty slapper. She’d have to be one of the biggest sluts at our school. She’s really pretty, in that overly made up kind of way. I’m sure she could get the guys without spreading her legs, but she seems to revel in the fact that she’s known as the school whore. Meg calls her a human mattress.

  She’s got that one right.


  I’m feeling like shit when I wake the next morning. I tossed and turned for hours before finally falling asleep. I can’t believe how much it ate at me knowing that skank was in his bedroom. If you’d asked me last week if I was the jealous type I would’ve said no. I guess I would’ve been wrong.

  I can’t stand him so it shouldn’t worry me. I heard her leave a few hours later. She was giggling like an idiot when he helped her out the window. Yes, I’m ashamed to admit I got up and peaked through my blinds.

  I wish I could change rooms so I don’t have to witness this crap. I get the impression Jen is going to be just one of many in his long line of conquests. I know what some of the girls in this town are like. They’ll be lining up for a chance to be with that douchebag. Yuk.

  I hope his dick falls off.

  Unfortunately, we only have three bedrooms in this house. So moving rooms isn’t an option. The room my mum and dad shared when she was still alive is off limits. My dad couldn’t bear to sleep in there without her once she passed. He’s been sleeping in the spare room ever since.

  Compared to the other houses in the street ours is quite small. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice house, just not as grand as the others. My dad was adamant when he married my mum that he wanted his family to live in a nice area. I guess he’s seen a lot of bad things being a police officer. My mum being a schoolteacher and my dad working on the force meant there wasn’t a lot of money coming in. They managed to secure this block of land, but could only afford to build a smaller house. I love it though. It’s perfect for us.

  I’m sure Mr. Shepard next door has heaps of bedrooms in his huge house. Why he chose to give Carter the bedroom facing mine, I’ll never know. With Carter’s attitude though, he probably wanted to stuff him away at the back of the house, away from them. I don’t blame him.

  After I eat breakfast and rinse my bowl and cup, I set about getting things ready for my dad when he wakes. I feed Lassie before h
eading to the bus stop. I made sure I left earlier this morning. I didn’t want to risk running into that arsehole again.

  As I wait for the bus I scan my newsfeed on my phone. I’m not in the mood for dreary Facebook this morning, but I need something to pass the time since the bus won’t be here for another twenty minutes. I hate how Carter has only been here a few days, and is already disrupting my life.

  My head snaps up when I hear the loud rev of a car. I must admit I’m surprised when Carter pulls over to the curb in front of where I’m standing. “Get in the car, kid,” he snarls. His ridiculous command makes me laugh. He’s fucking kidding, right? His eyebrows rise as he waits for me to do as he’s asked. I don’t think so buddy.

  Looking back down at my phone, I continue to scan through my page. He’s got a nerve after the way he’s been treating me. I’d never admit it, but I’m a tiny bit thrilled he came looking for me. How dumb is that?

  “I’m going to give you to the count of three to get in this car,” he says annoyed. I roll my eyes as I continue to ignore him. I hear him growl and I have to fight back the smile that threatens to come. I like that my defiance is getting to him.

  “One … two …” I can’t believe he’s actually counting. I feel the corners of my lips turn up in a grin. When I hear his car door open, my head snaps up. “Three. I warned you,” is all he says as he grabs hold of me and throws me over his shoulder.

  “Carter,” I scream. “Put me down.” He ignores my order as he marches around to the passenger side of the car. His hand is sitting at the base of my arse, holding me in place. I shouldn’t like the feel of his hands on me, but I do. It makes me wonder what it would be like if he held me properly. Not like a bag that’s just been thrown over his shoulder. Ugh! I hate that I’m thinking about how it would feel to be held in his arms. I’m sure it would feel amazing.

  No it wouldn’t, I’d absolutely hate it. Liar.

  Opening the door, he plonks me down on the seat. “Put your seatbelt on,” he growls as he stands over me like a thug. I just look up at him in horror. I can’t believe he just did that to me. Leaning forward, he grabs hold of the seatbelt.

  “Give me that,” I snap as I narrow my eyes at him. “I can put my own damn belt on. I’m not a child.”

  “Could’ve fooled me,” he says giving me a smug, gorgeous smile. God, he annoys the hell of out me. Why does he have to be so ridiculously handsome?

  He waits until my seatbelt is fastened before making his way around to the driver’s side. I have a good mind to make my escape, but going by his antics just now, he’ll probably come after me.

  No words are spoken on the drive to school. Unlike yesterday when he dropped me off down the road, today he heads straight to the car park. I want to make a smart remark about his reputation, but I don’t.

  “Make sure you’re here this afternoon, or I’ll come to the bus stop and get you again,” he warns. Ignoring him, I get out of the car and slam the door. I hear him laughing as I walk away. I could seriously slap him right now.


  “What’s up your arse?” Meg asks when we leave our first class. “It’s unusual to see you in a bad mood.”

  “One guess,” I reply as we make our way towards the lockers.

  “Your hot neighbour?”

  “Yes. And he’s not hot. He’s an arse.” She nudges me with her shoulder and chuckles. This isn’t funny. Doesn’t she realise he’s ruining my life?

  “He may be an arse, but you can’t tell me you don’t think he’s good looking.”

  “I hadn’t noticed,” I snap. I hear her scoff at my words. She obviously doesn’t believe me. In all honesty, who wouldn’t notice him? He’s very noticeable—for a prick that is.

  “You fucking liar,” she laughs.

  “He’s okay,” I shrug like I’m not affected by his looks. It’s a lame shrug too. I’m not even fooling myself.

  “He’s more than okay.”

  “Alright he’s hot,” I admit, rolling my eyes, “but that’s all he’s got going for him.”

  “What has he done today to put you in such a fabulous mood?” she asks sarcastically.

  “What hasn’t he done is more like it.” When we reach my locker she stops, turning me to face her.

  “Well spill,” she demands.

  “For starters, just being in his presence annoys me,” I reply. It kind of turns me on too, but I’d never admit it.

  “And? There has to be more than that. Your mood is nasty.” She raises an eyebrow impatiently as she waits for my reply. I want to say none of your damn business, but I know that’s just my mood talking. She’s only concerned for me. I can’t remember the last time I was this riled up.

  I turn and place the key in the padlock. I’m feeling bad for being so snappy with her now. I’m lucky to have a friend that cares so much. I hate that Carter Reynolds gets under my skin like he does.

  “My mood is that bad huh?” I ask with a sigh as I place my books in my locker and get out what I need for my next class.


  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to take it out on you,” I apologise as I hook my arm through hers as we walk down the corridor towards her locker.

  “Tell me what he did to upset you, Indi.”

  “He told my dad about Brad. I’ve now been forbidden to see him.”

  “What? No way. See, I told you he had the hots for you.” Of course she’d see it like that. It has nothing to do with how he feels about me. He’s a prick, plain and simple.

  “He doesn’t have the hots for me,” I state.

  “Yes he does. You didn’t see what I saw yesterday. He was definitely cut when you were on Brad’s lap.”

  “If he has the hots for me, which I don’t believe for a minute, why did he have that skank, Jennifer Darcy, sneaking in his bedroom window last night?” She stops walking and pulls me over towards the wall so we don’t get bowled over by the other students rushing to get to their next class. Facing me, the first thing I notice is her eyes. They’re almost bugging out of her head from shock. Even in my mood, it brings a smile to my face.

  “What? No fucking way. Really? God she’s a whore. Didn’t take her long. I can’t stand that human mattress.”

  “I know right. Can you believe it? She was there for hours too. I know exactly what they were up to,” I say angrier than intended.

  “Oh. My. God. You like him,” she screeches, slapping my arm in disbelief.

  “What? I do not.” I try my best to act unaffected by her comment, but I fail miserably.

  “Bullshit. Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t have the hots for him.”

  “I don’t,” I answer looking down at the ground. Fuck.

  “Holy crap. You do,” she says slapping my arm again. Ouch. I hate that she knows me so well. We’ve been best friends since kindergarten. Inseparable you could say. I guess being in each other’s pockets for the past twelve years will do that.

  “Stop hitting me,” I whine as I rub my arm.

  “Well admit it then.” She raises her hand likes she’s going to hit me again. I have to hold back my smile. Bitch.

  “Fine. I like him, and hate him if that’s even possible,” I admit, finally making eye contact with her. Of course she’s beaming when I do.

  “I knew it,” she says smugly. She’s such a know-it-all sometimes.


  God I wish she hadn’t figured out this thing, whatever it is, that I have for Carter. She hasn’t shut up about it all day. I’m surprised she isn’t talking weddings and babies, that’s how bad she’s been. At lunch I even threatened to move to another table if she didn’t let up. Thankfully that was enough to get her to stop.

  She’s boy crazy. Always has been. She’s not only pretty, but has huge knockers so the guys love her. What is it with them and boobs? Me on the other hand, I like boys, but I’m not obsessed. I guess that’s why she’s so excited now that she knows how I feel about Carter.

nce school’s out, I’m in two minds on what to do. Part of me wants to catch the bus to defy him. How dare he order me around like that? The crazy part of me wants to be near him. Don’t ask me why. It’s not like he’s pleasant to be around.

  As I stand here contemplating what to do, two arms slide around my waist from behind. “Hey there, beautiful,” he whispers in my ear. I know straight away that it’s Brad.

  “Hey,” I reply, turning in his arms.

  “We still on for Saturday?” Before I have a chance to answer, Carter appears beside us.

  “You ready?” he asks. His voice is calm, but I can tell by his facial expression he’s anything but.

  “Ready for what?” Brad says looking between the two of us.

  “We’re going for a drive,” Carter replies all smug.

  “You’re what?” Brad snaps glaring at me.

  “He’s giving me a lift home. That’s all. We live next door to each other.” My gaze moves to Carter. I shoot daggers at him. Troublemaker.

  “Actually, that’s not entirely true. We are going for a drive. I have to get a few parts for my car on the way home. I told your dad I’d be taking you with me.”

  “Whatever,” Brad says to Carter, dismissing him before turning his attention back to me. I can tell he’s not impressed. “You gonna be online tonight?”

  “Probably,” I reply, shrugging.

  “Okay. I’ll message you later. I’ve got to get to football training.” I find his question and answer a little strange. We’re friends on Facebook, but he’s never messaged me on there before. He’s liked a few of my posts in the past and commented on some pictures I’ve put up, but that’s it.

  When he leans forward and places his lips on mine, I’m taken aback. He’s never kissed me at school before. Well apart from the goodnight kiss I got when he walked me home from the party, he’s never kissed me. I’m sure it’s only for Carter’s benefit. Men. I’m surprised they don’t flop out their dicks and compare sizes.



  I don’t know why seeing his lips on her right now bothered me, but fuck me it did. I thought after my hook-up last night I’d get this thing with her out of my system. Wrong. If anything it’s only cemented the fact that I have feelings for her. Which surprises me. I thought I was incapable of shit like that.