Bastard Read online

Page 39

  A while later, my dad takes us both out for lunch. Neither of us are great company though. Megan is clearly broken by her decision, and I’m not only worried, but I’m hurting for her too. I’m not sure if I can leave her when she’s like this. I may need to call Carter and put the move off for a few more days. She needs me.

  “Wanna stay over tonight?” I ask later that night when we’re lying on my bed. “We could have a slumber party like old times.” I don’t want her to be alone.

  “I guess,” she shrugs.

  “Things have a way of working themselves out, Meg,” I say reassuringly, reaching for her hand as we lie side by side on my bed staring up at the roof. “Look at Carter and I. Who would’ve thought we’d be where we are today?”

  “I’m glad things worked out for you both,” she replies.

  “Things will work out for you and Drew too, you wait and see.”

  “Thanks, babe. I hope so.”

  And I was right. We didn’t have to wait long at all. Five minutes after I said that to her, my dad knocks on my bedroom door.

  “Megan,” he says, popping his head around the door. “You have a visitor.” We both sit up just as the door pushes open all the way, and Drew waltzes in. Yes, I silently chant.

  “Oh my God,” Meg squeals, leaping off the bed and into his arms. “What are you doing here?”

  “I quit my job,” he replies, pulling her into a crushing embrace. I can tell by the dark circles under his eyes he’s been suffering too. My heart goes out to both of them.

  “What? No!” Stepping back to make eye contact with him, she continues, “You loved that job.”

  “I love you more,” is all he says.


  “No buts,” he interrupts, cutting her off. “I can always find another job, but you my love, are irreplaceable.” He tenderly caresses the back of his hand down the side of Meg’s face before placing his lips against hers. Awww. Tears well in my eyes as I watch them together. I’m so glad things worked themselves out.


  Carter arrives early Sunday morning. He was originally going to come Saturday night, but he still had some last-minute work to do at the apartment. God, I’ve missed him. As soon as I hear his car pull up in the driveway, I run outside to greet him. I’m still in my pyjamas, but I don’t care.

  I jump off the front porch and bolt across the lawn as he’s getting out of the car. As soon as I’m close enough, I launch myself into his arms. “Fuck I’ve missed you,” he breathes into the crook of my neck as he wraps his arms around me tight.

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  “Let me look at you?” he asks placing me back on the ground. I smile up at him as he cups my face in his hands. “There’s my girl. I’ve missed your pretty face. It’s so good to see you’ve got your colour back.” My dad said the same thing yesterday. I even noticed how pale my skin was during treatment.

  Before I get a chance to reply, his mouth covers mine. I’ve missed his kisses. He groans into my mouth when I deepen the kiss. When we finally come up for air, he rests his forehead against mine. “I can’t wait to get you home.”

  That makes two of us.


  A few hours later we’re on the road. Well, Carter and I are. My dad and Elizabeth are going to leave in a few hours to give Carter and I a little alone time. They’re picking up Carter’s grandmother on the way. I can’t wait to meet her. We’re expecting them around midday, so Carter is going to take us all out for lunch when they arrive. The three of them are going to stay over tonight, and since my car will be staying up here, my dad will travel home with Elizabeth tomorrow.

  Carter and I talk the whole drive. It’s so good to be together again. I fill him in on everything that happened with Meg, and he tells me all about the renovations. I can’t wait to see the new apartment. “I was thinking, while I look around for a job, I might see if there are any animal shelters in the area. I could volunteer.” Carter reaches for my hand, bringing it up to his lips.

  “That’s sweet, but I don’t think you’ll have trouble finding a job,” he says smiling. I’m glad he’s so confident. I’ve been so busy with Meg and packing I never got a chance to research how many veterinarian clinics there are in the area.

  I’m excited to go upstairs when we pull up outside the tattoo parlour. As usual, Carter comes around to open my door. I love how sweet he is. After helping me out, he pulls me into his arms, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

  “I need you to close your eyes,” he says.

  “What, now? Shouldn’t I wait until we get upstairs?”

  “Just close them. I need to show you something down here first.” What is he up to? He has that smug look on his face that has me instantly suspicious. Fine. I’ll go along with it. I close my eyes as he reaches for my arm and places his other hand on the small of my back, guiding me onto the sidewalk. “No peeking.” Peeking at what? I presume he wants to show me something inside the tattoo parlour, but he leads me in the opposite direction. Suddenly he stops walking. Moving around behind me, he tilts my head back so my face is looking up. What in the hell is he up to? “Open your eyes,” he whispers.

  I do as he asks. When I see what he wants to show me, I gasp. “Oh. My. God. Carter, you didn’t,” I say turning to face him.

  “I did,” he replies. “I was right when I said you wouldn’t have any trouble finding a job.” Throwing myself into his arms I bury my face in his chest and start to cry; tears of shock, tears of happiness, tears for Lassie. “Don’t you like it?”

  “I friggin’ love it.” I stand back to look up at him. I smile widely through my tears. “I’m just overwhelmed.” He kisses my forehead before turning me in his arms so I’m facing the shopfront again. There’s a sign in the window that says ‘opening soon’. His hands wrap around my waist as his chin rests on my shoulder. I can’t believe he would do this for me. Again, I look up at the large sign that’s spread across the whole front of the building. ‘Lassie’s Veterinarian Clinic’. It even has a picture of him on the side.

  “Do you want to take a look inside?” he asks. Do I ever.

  “Please. I’d love to.” He laces his fingers through mine as we walk towards the door.

  “Here you go,” he says passing the keys to me. “It’s yours, so you should do the honours.” After I take the keys from him, I slink my arms around his neck and pull his face down towards mine.

  “What did I ever do to deserve someone so wonderful?” I ask, brushing my lips against his. He chuckles at my question.

  “You annoyed the crap out of me until I fell in love with you.”

  “I did not,” I screech, pinching his arm.

  “Ouch,” he says laughing, rubbing his bicep. “Your fingers are lethal.”

  “I’m sorry,” I reply, planting a soft kiss where I’d pinched him.

  “My dick hurts too, will you kiss that better?” I narrow my eyes at him when he grabs hold of his crotch, and we both laugh.

  “Nice try.”

  “Well you’ve gotta give me ten points for trying,” he says putting his hand on the small of my back and leading me inside. I’ll gladly kiss his dick after the tour, but I’m not telling him that.

  You can smell the fresh paint when we enter. The walls are painted in a soft lemon. The floor tiles are white. There’s a long white reception counter on one side, and a row of white chairs along the floor to ceiling window at the front of the reception area. A green indoor palm tree sits in one corner in a tall white ceramic pot. It looks so clean, so fresh. I love it.

  My eyes dart everywhere while Carter moves to disable the alarm. “The code is two thousand and ten,” he says coming to stand beside me again. “Just like my shop. It was a very important year.”

  “It was?” My mind starts to race. What was so important in two thousand and ten?

  “It was the year my life changed for the better. It was the year I met you,” he says leaning down to kiss the top of my head
. Awww. He says the sweetest things sometimes.

  Grabbing hold of my trembling hand, he leads me through to the back. There are two large examination rooms. They’re both identical. It makes me think of the pissy little room I had when I worked for Mark. This place shits all over his. Both rooms are complete with stainless steel examination tables in the centre of the room, and white custom-made benchtops running the whole length of the far wall. It has drawers and cupboards for storing supplies and equipment in.

  “I know the walls are bare, but I wanted you to be able to add your own touch. I’ve just set you up with the basics.”

  “It’s perfect,” I say squeezing his hand. I’m still in shock that he has done this for me, but I’m beaming as he shows me around. We move further down the corridor until we come to a larger room. It’s completely decked out for surgery, with two large stainless steel operating tables in the centre of the room. I’m flabbergasted. Lost for words. This would’ve cost him a fortune to set up. How he managed to do this in a little over a week amazes me. “I love you,” I tell him, sliding my hand around his waist and resting my head on his arm.

  Eventually leaving his side I walk around the room, skimming my hands over everything. I can’t wait to get this place up and running. Adjacent to the room is a door that leads to the recovery area. There are cages stacked three high, lining both walls. This will be not only for the animals that have to stay after surgery, but any sick animals that need to be here for observation or treatment overnight. Living upstairs is going to make keeping an eye on them so much easier.

  “Oh, Carter,” I say, throwing my arms around him when the tour is complete. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything, babe. I’m glad I could do this for you. I probably should confess. I did have an ulterior motive.”

  “You did?” I ask.

  “Yes. This was my way of guaranteeing you’d stay up here with me,” he says smiling sheepishly.

  “Well I hate to tell you, but you wasted your money because I would’ve stayed regardless. You’re stuck with me Mr. Reynolds.”

  “Damn,” he says, and we both laugh. “I’ve organised a rep to come meet with you on Wednesday so you can stock up on the supplies you’re gonna need before you open.”

  “You’re amazing,” I reply placing my lips on his.

  “I know.”

  “And extremely modest,” I add, kissing him again.

  “That too,” he chuckles.

  “And all mine.”

  “You better believe it, baby,” he says.

  Next we head upstairs so I can see the renovations he’s made to the apartment. “Wow,” is all I say when we first enter. I can’t believe how much bigger it looks. They’ve knocked down the majority of the wall that divided both buildings, opening the space right up.

  “We have three bedrooms now. Our room has moved. I’ve even added an en-suite so our guest can use the main bathroom. Come, let me show you.” I can hear the excitement in his voice as he pulls me along. It’s infectious. I’m still on a high from downstairs. Of course he leads us straight to our new room.

  “Wow,” I say when we walk in. The bedroom is now in what was the building next door. Carter has installed floor to ceiling windows in this part as well. Our new bedroom now has the same view of the ocean, like the lounge room does. It’s breathtaking. I’m not sure what is going to be better, waking up to Carter’s handsome face everyday, or the ocean.

  As pretty as the ocean view is, I think Carter would have to win that one.

  “As you can see I bought us a new bedroom suite. I put the old one in the spare room. Your drawers are over there,” he says pointing to the ones on the left. “Come look at the walk-in-robe I had built for you.” I’m smiling as he drags me across the room. I look back over my shoulder at my new room, trying to take it all in.

  The suite he bought is so nice. There are two large, matching timber chest of drawers that are painted white, but the drawer fronts are finished in a dark timber stain with white handles to tie it all together. The bedside tables are the same. The bed is ginormous, so much bigger than the last one. The room is painted in a deep, musky, sky blue colour, still keeping its masculinity, but the large white mirror hanging on the far wall, the sheer white curtains, and white covers on the bed, soften the room. There is a large oval blue and white rug on the floor, and a few blue cushions on the bed that blend in with the wall colour. Honestly, I love it. He must’ve had some help decorating this room. Although masculine, it definitely has a feminine touch.

  “Holy crap,” I screech when we round the corner to the walk-in-robe. “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.” He chuckles at my comment.

  “I knew you’d like this. Look, it even has little shelves for the ridiculous amount of shoes you own.”

  “It’s not ridiculous,” I say, playfully elbowing him. “I’m a girl. Girls need a lot of shoes. It’s in our genetic makeup.” He rolls his eyes, but doesn’t respond. My eyes dart everywhere. This is one mother of a walk-in-robe. Carter already has some of his clothes hanging. “This is absolutely breathtaking.” I open my arms wide and twirl around in a circle. “I could seriously live in this space.” He laughs at my craziness.

  “As long as you’re in bed with me every night, I don’t care how long you spend in here.” When I finish my little twirl I saunter over to him, reaching for the button of his jeans. “What are you doing?” he asks, raising his eyebrows.

  “Kissing your dick better. You said when we were downstairs it was hurting.” He growls when I say that.

  “It only hurts because it’s been missing you.”

  “Well maybe we need to get reacquainted,” I say, falling to my knees.

  “Fuck, yes,” he hisses out through a clenched jaw as soon as I set his dick free. “First you need to reacquaint me with your mouth, then your pussy. I’ve missed your fucking pussy, babe.”

  He groans when I slide his shaft between my lips. His fingers thread through my hair as he tilts his head back making a feral sound. I only get to work on him for a minute or so before he puts his hands under my arms and lifts me to my feet. “I need to be inside you now.” We don’t even make it back into the room. He has me stripped of my clothes in seconds before pinning me up against the wall. “Wrap your legs around me,” he commands, lifting me. In one swift move he impales me.

  “Yes,” I moan when he pushes all the way in. I love the way he makes me feel when we’re connected like this. It’s like we become one. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you too, baby,” he says before his mouth covers mine.


  Three months later …


  Our first Christmas is almost upon us. I’ve never cared about celebrating that day, but this year is going to be different. This year I have Indiana. She’s my new beginning. Having her living here has been incredible. I never knew life could be this good. The person I was before meeting her has gone. I actually love waking up every day now. I look forward to it because I get to be with her.

  Last week we even went shopping and bought a Christmas tree for the apartment. We decorated it together. It was nice. Yesterday I put the first present underneath it. I busted her shaking it this morning, trying to guess what’s inside. She’ll never guess. I knew she’d snoop, so I put the smaller box inside a larger one.

  It’s something special. Something I’ve wanted to give her since she moved in with me. I actually bought it a few months ago, but I’ve been waiting for the right time. Christmas is the perfect opportunity.

  I love having her working next door to me. Her clinic is going great guns. She’s even hired another veterinarian because she was run off her feet. Her name is Sarah-Jane. Indi’s really happy with her.

  Megan is working for her as well. She’s Indi’s receptionist. Drew ended up getting a new IT job up this way, so they bought a house not far from us. Indiana was so excited when she found out M
egan was going to be living in Newcastle. Drew and I have become good friends. He’s a nice guy. The four of us do a lot together.

  Indiana had her three-month check-up two weeks ago. We drove down to Sydney Friday morning for her appointment and spent the weekend with our parents. The oncologist called her later that day to say her test results came back negative. She’s still cancer free. It was a huge relief. Even though she seems fine, it’s still lingering in the back of my mind. I still worry that it may come back. He wants to see her again in three months’ time. If all goes well then her appointments will change to six monthly.


  A week before Christmas, we’re both flat out. We’re going to close for a week over the holidays, so we can spend some quality time together. Indi hasn’t been getting much sleep the last few nights. She has a sick dog staying at the clinic. He was brought in with paralysis, caused by a tick. She medicated him and has him on a drip, but it’s still touch and go. She’s been getting up during the night to go check on him. She’s going to be devastated if he doesn’t make it, I know it.

  I love how much she cares, but in her line of business she has to have a certain amount of detachment or she’ll never survive it. She’s even gotten involved with a local animal shelter. She does all the immunisations and procedures on the strays, for free. She has a board set up in the waiting room of her clinic, with pictures and stories of all the animals on death row. She has helped find the majority of them new homes. She amazes me. I’m sure if our yard wasn’t so small, she’d adopt the ones she can’t help place. It’s sad, but a part of life I’m afraid.

  Last night I offered to go and check on the dog, but she wouldn’t hear of it. I’d noticed the dark circles under her eyes during the day, and it worried me. I knew it was from lack of sleep. Well, that’s what I thought until I found her with her head in the toilet bowl, vomiting, this morning. It brought all my worries to the forefront, so even though she protested, I hauled her arse straight to the doctors.