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Bastard Page 29

  My hand has been sitting just above her knee for most of the drive. I’m impressed that I had the willpower not to slide it between her legs. At one stage, as my fingers drew lazy circles on her skin, her legs slightly parted. I knew it was an invitation to venture up further, but even then I stood strong. By the time I’m finished with her tonight, she’s going to be so hot and ready, she’ll be begging me to fuck her. It will be the perfect way to end our evening.

  When I pull into the parking bay by the curb I reach for her hand, bringing it towards my lips to place a soft kiss on her knuckles. Her eyes are planted firmly on my mouth against her skin. I watch as her tongue darts out and moistens her bottom lip. Everything in me wants to kiss her. So that’s exactly what I do.

  Reaching across the console I slide my hand around the back of her neck, bringing her lips towards mine. When she opens her mouth and slips her tongue past my lips, I groan. My cock strains against my pants. I should’ve held my resolve, because now that I’ve had a taste, I don’t want to stop.

  My fingers inch up her inner thigh as her legs willingly open. She wants my hands on her just as much as I want them there. As I slide under her dress, Let Her Go starts to play. Fuck. My phone. It’s probably Jax. Reluctantly I pull out of the kiss and retrieve it from my pocket. Damn him. “How far away are you, fucker? I’m freezing my nuts off here,” he complains.

  “I’m just parking the car,” I reply as my eyes meet Indiana’s. Christ she’s beautiful. Her big green eyes are locked with mine. Her flawless skin is flushed from her arousal. Her full lips are red and swollen from my kiss. I’d like nothing more than to skip the first part of the evening and take her straight to the hotel, but I can’t do that. I remind myself, tonight is about creating memories—tonight is about her.

  “Good. Hurry up, pussy, so I can get the fuck out of here.” I chuckle at his comment.

  “We’ll be there in a minute.”

  “Who was that?” Indi asks when I end the call.

  “My mate Jax. You’ll meet him in a minute.” I lean forward and brush my lips with hers. “This,” I say when I pull back and point between the two of us, “will have to wait till later.” She gives me a disappointed smile. I feel the same. She’s all I’ve thought about all day. In all honesty, it’s just going to make the ultimate prize at the end of the night all the more sweeter. I only hope my aching cock and blue fucking balls can wait until then. I’d like nothing more than to bend her over the hood of my car right now and plough into her sweetness.

  After I help her out of the car, she wraps her black woollen coat around herself. “It’s freezing tonight,” she says slightly shivering.

  “I’ll keep you warm,” I tell her as I snake my arm around her shoulder and kiss the top of her head.

  “I like the ringtone on your phone,” she says as we cross the road. “It’s a great song.”

  “Thanks,” is my only reply. There’s no way I’m going to tell her I’ve had it for the last five years because it reminded me of us. I’ve already lost enough of my manhood for one night.

  As we walk underneath the Harbour Bridge and onto the grassed area overlooking the spectacular Sydney Harbour, my eyes seek out Jax. When I see the small table I asked him to set up, along with candles in the centre, my nerves kick in again. I want this night to be special, but I’m kind of feeling like a dick now. Jax is right. I’m a fucking pussy.

  “This way,” I say as I guide her to the right. I see the smug smirk on his face as we approach. Fucker. He’s never going to let me live this down. When we reach the table I extend my hand to him. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” he says with a smile before his eyes stray towards Indiana. I watch as he looks her over. His smile grows. Why that gets my back up, I can’t say.

  “Indiana, this is my friend Jax.” Although I’m not sure for how long, if he keeps looking at her like that. “Jax, Indiana.”

  “So, I finally get to meet the elusive Indiana,” he says taking her hand and bringing it towards his mouth. I wanna snatch her hand out of his, but I manage to rein myself in. I’d look like some pathetic, jealous jerk if I did that. Like hell I’m jealous. “Carter never shuts up about you.” Motherfucker.

  “He talks about me?” Indi asks, looking over at me with a huge smile on her face.

  “All the damn time.” The teasing grin he’s wearing when his gaze shifts to me tells me his trying to get me to bite. I’m not falling for his bullshit. He’s the biggest shit stirrer I know. I usually find his antics amusing, but not tonight. Not in front of my girl.

  “I do not, arsehole,” I say trying to come to my own defence. Jax throws back his head and laughs. Prick.

  “I’m just messing with you, mate,” he replies, slapping me on the back. I give him a look that says both, I know, and shut the fuck up. Payback’s a bitch. Indiana giggles from beside me. I guess she finds it amusing.

  “Is this all for us?” Indi asks looking over the table setting in front of us. I’m grateful for the distraction. He’s making me look like a dick in front of her. He’s set up the table just as I asked. It’s just a small table covered with a white linen cloth. Two white ceramic plates, two wine glasses and silver cutlery. There’s a small vase with a red rose inside and two candles either side, in the middle of the table. He’s done a good job, for a cocksucker.

  “It is,” I tell her, draping my arm over her shoulder. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it,” she says as her arms encircle my waist and she smiles up at me. The smile is exactly what I was hoping for. It makes the ribbing I’ve been getting all day from Jax, worth it. “Thank you, Jax.”

  “Don’t thank me. Just doing what the big fella asked,” he replies, flicking his head in my direction. The look Indi gives me when Jax says that has my heart thumping against my ribcage. I know in that moment, that everything Jax has said today is true. I’m well and truly fucked. “I’m going to duck off and pick up the food,” Jax adds looking at his watch. “Then I’m out of here.” I pull out Indi’s chair for her. Once she’s seated I lean down and place a soft kiss on her hair.

  “I just need to speak with Jax for a second,” I tell her before Jax and I take a few steps away from the table. “Thanks for all your help,” I say extending my hand to him. He’s really gone above and beyond. I owe him big time. “I appreciate it. You did well for an arsehole.” He laughs at my comment.

  “No problem. I aim to please,” he says pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. I haven’t smoked since I was seventeen, the day Ross found my cigarettes in the car. I don’t miss it at all, but I could do with one right now. Anything to calm my fucking nerves. “For the record, I’d probably turn pussy for her too,” he replies, soft enough so only I can hear.

  “Keep your eyes off her, she’s mine,” I grit out, and he laughs. Christ, he gets me every time.

  “Fuck, you really have done your nuts over this one.”

  “Fuck you,” is all I say. No point denying it, because it’s true. He’s just trying to rile me up because he’s a stirring prick. Even though he’s given me a hard time about tonight, I know he’s happy that Indi and I are finally working things out. He’s had to listen to me grumbling about the one I let get away a number of times when we’ve gotten drunk over the past five years.

  He’s shaking his head and chuckling as he walks away. I make my way back towards the table. He’s set it up so I’m opposite her, but I move my chair around to the side before I sit. I want to be as close to her as I can get.

  Yep, I’m a pussy.

  “You okay?” I ask reaching for her hand.

  “I’m great. I can’t believe you went to all this trouble for me.”

  “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” I say, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. Fuck me if I don’t mean every word too. She smiles and my stomach does a flip-flop. Jesus, I’m a goner. Leaning forward, I brush my lips with hers.

  “Who knew you were such a romantic?” she replies when I pull back an
d lock eyes with her. Her words make me squirm in my seat as I tug at my tie, trying to loosen it. Great, she thinks I’m a pussy too. I’m far from a romantic. “Hey,” she says, reaching out and running her hand down the side of my face when she sees my reaction to her words. “I love this side of you. It’s very sweet. It beats the douchebag I usually get.” The playfulness I see on her face makes me chuckle. I guess my behaviour towards her has been pretty deplorable at times.

  “Like I said the other day, you bring out the best in me.”

  “I’m glad,” she says bringing her face towards mine. “You bring out the best, and sometimes the worst in me.” She giggles as her lips meet mine. That’s true.



  Words cannot express what tonight has meant to me. It’s the perfect distraction. I didn’t think it was possible to love him more than I do, but the more he lets his guard down, showing me his vulnerable, sweet side, the harder I fall.

  “Okay, you two lovebirds,” Jax says when he gets back. “You do realise you’re in a public place.” Carter and I pull away from each other. We made out the whole time he was gone. I’m so frustrated and turned on like you wouldn’t believe. Carter’s hands have not moved passed my face. I need his hands all over me, desperately. Why can’t he see that?

  I clench my thighs together when he looks at me with hooded eyes. I can tell he wants me as bad as I want him. When Jax clears his throat from beside us, I tear my eyes from Carter, looking up at him. I feel my face flush when I see he’s smiling. “Get a room you two.”

  “You’re just jealous, arsehole,” Carter says with a chuckle, making my blush deepen.

  “Nope. I’m happy with my balls being exactly where they are, thank you.” Jax’s comment makes me laugh. I love the banter between these two. I’m glad Carter has a good friend like him. He was such a loner when he was young.

  Jax places the box in his hands on the side of the table, opening the flaps. I have to hold in my giggle when I see what’s inside. With the elegant setup of the table and the location, I was kind of expecting something a little more than burgers and fries, but that appears to be what we’re having. It’s very Carter, and very us, I guess. Since that’s what we always seem to eat when we’re out together.

  “Thank you,” I say when he places it on my plate.

  “My mate owns a restaurant not far from here, so they’re not just any burgers, they’re his speciality. You won’t find better,” Jax explains as he places Carter’s food in front of him. They smell delicious. Next, he pulls out a metal thermos and passes it to Carter. “Since this is an alcohol free zone, Carter insisted on chocolate milkshakes as the beverage of choice.” I let out a small laugh. I think it’s very sweet.

  “It’s perfect,” I say as my eyes meet Carter. He’s smiling as he watches me.

  “Yes, it’s a perfect choice for a five year old,” Jax replies sarcastically. I burst out laughing when Carter growls at him. Ignoring his torments, Carter pours the chocolate milk into the wine glasses that are sitting on the table.

  “I’m out of here,” Jax says as he picks up the empty box. “I’ll be back later to pack everything up. About ten?” he asks, looking at Carter.

  “Sure. Thanks, mate,” he replies, fist pumping him.

  “It was nice meeting you, Indiana,” Jax says shaking my hand.

  “You too. Thank you for everything you’ve done tonight,” I reply.

  “It was no trouble. I’m glad you two finally got your shit together.” My gaze moves back to Carter when he says that. I’m glad we did too. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Jax adds with a wink as he turns to leave.

  “Well that means we can do pretty much anything,” Carter retorts to his retreating back. Jax laughs, flipping him off over his shoulder.

  Once he’s gone and we’re alone again, Carter picks up his wine glass filled with chocolate milkshake and raises it in the air. “Cheers to good times ahead,” he says with a sweet smile.

  “Cheers,” I reply clinking my glass against his. I have to fight the tears that threaten to come. I hope we have many more years ahead. I take a sip before placing the glass back on the table. “So how long have you known Jax?” I ask, trying to block all the uncertainty out.

  “Five years. He helped me a lot when you know … I left. He gave me a job and a place to stay until I got on my feet. I owe him a lot.”

  “He seems like a good guy. I’m glad you had him. I used to worry about you being alone,” I confess reaching for his hand.

  “Well I’m back now, and I’m no longer alone. Now, let’s eat before it gets cold. As you can see I’ve gone to a lot of effort organising this gourmet meal.”

  “Yes you did,” I reply, popping a fry in my mouth. “It’s perfect. Just like you.”


  After we eat, we talk and laugh. I’m having a great time. If only he’d touch me, it would be perfect. He caresses my hand, my arm, my face, but his hands go nowhere near where I want them to. I’m not sure if he’s purposely trying to drive me insane with anticipation, but knowing him, I’m sure that’s his plan.

  Leaning towards me, he places his lips on mine. I’m not sure how much more I can take. I’m hot and ready for him. I’m so ready that I’m even tempted to touch myself if he doesn’t damn well hurry up and do it. I fist my hands in his jacket, pulling him even closer. “How much longer until we can get out of here? I need you.” I feel his lips curl up against my mouth. He’s driving me crazy on purpose. Arsehole. I slide my hand up his inner thigh, cupping his manhood. I’m pleased to find him as hard as a rock. I guess he’s driving himself crazy as well. I clench my thighs together as my fingers stroke over his thick length. I need him inside me. I wish we weren’t in a public place right now so I could straddle him. “Touch me, Carter.”

  He hesitates at first, but then his hand moves to the back of my head, pulling me into him. He growls into my mouth as he deepens the kiss. Touch me with your hands, I want to scream. Finally, his other hand finds its way to my knee. I part my legs slightly, and the cool night air gushes in, hitting my centre. He forced me into wearing no panties, so why isn’t he taking advantage of it?

  He slides his hands up the inside of my leg, but stops before it reaches where I need it. I continue to work him over, but still his hand doesn’t move up any further. I can’t take much more of this. The anticipation already has me on the edge. Using my other hand, I grasp his wrist and move it the rest of the way. He chuckles into my mouth. God he infuriates me sometimes. “Don’t make me beg.”

  “Fuck. You’re so wet,” he groans as his fingers slide between my folds.

  “What do you expect? You’ve been driving me crazy all night. Since when do you keep your hands to yourself?”

  “Keeping my hands off you hasn’t been easy,” he breathes as his skilled fingers circle my clit.

  “Oh God,” I moan. “I think I’m going to come already.” He pulls his hand away as soon as I say that. What the hell?

  “I don’t want you to come yet,” he says. “Wait. It will be all the sweeter.” He’s fucking kidding me, right? By the look on his face, I can tell he isn’t. Me and my big mouth.

  “I don’t want to wait,” I whine as I pull his mouth back to mine. “I need you, Carter. I need you now.”

  “I need you too, but not here.” He pulls back and looks down at his watch. “Jax should be here in ten minutes. I’ll shoot him a text and make sure he’s on his way.” I sit back in my chair, folding my arms over my chest like a spoilt child while he types a message into his phone. I’ve never been one for public sex, but right now, I’d do just about anything. I’d sit on his lap and ride him with everything I had, even calling out giddy-up on the top of my lungs. I wouldn’t care who was watching. That’s how desperate I am.

  He’s done this on purpose. The no underwear thing. Every look, every word, every touch. It’s all been part of his big stupid plan. I’ve heard of blue balls, but is there
such a thing as blue flaps? Because seriously, if there is then I have them. I’ve never wanted something so bad in my life. I clench my thighs together again. Just thinking about it is driving me insane.

  Mark never got me this worked up. Not even close. I never craved him the way I crave Carter. “Maybe I should pleasure myself then,” I say moving my hand under the table. He stops typing and grabs hold of my wrist.

  “Like hell you will.” He lifts my hand back on top of the table, pinning it down with his. He uses his thumb on his other hand to finish his text. Once it’s sent he places his phone down and locks his eyes with mine. “Surely you can hold out for ten minutes,” he says with a cocky smirk on his face. I narrow my eyes at him.

  “No, I can’t. I’m dying here,” I snap. His face drops and his free hand skims through his perfectly dishevelled hair. It was meant as a joke, but then what I said dawns on me. I’m dying. Fuck. Am I? I could be. I didn’t mean it like that. My stomach churns as he pulls me into his arms and practically squeezes the life out of me.

  “Don’t say that,” he whispers against my hair. I can feel his body trembling against mine. He’s done a good job of distracting us both, until now. Uncertainty looms in the air. I refuse to die. Tomorrow we’ll find out exactly what we’re dealing with. I can do this, I tell myself. I’m tough. I’m gonna fight this illness with everything I have. I just hope I’m tough enough.


  Carter walks me to the car when Jax arrives. Once he gets me seated in the passenger seat, he moves around to the driver’s side and places the key in the ignition. The heater blasts to life. The warmth is heaven, just what I need. My jacket kept me reasonably warm, but my legs and my feet are frozen. He turns it up to high before smiling at me.

  “I’ll just help Jax pack everything into his car. It won’t take long,” he says, kneeling on his seat and leaning across the centre console, brushing his lips against mine. “You stay here and warm up.” I smile when he pulls away from me. I’m so lucky to have him. I’m glad he came back. I’m also glad things didn’t work out with Mark. I need Carter in my life.